PRP Plasma

A PRP facial works by drawing a minimal amount of blood and separating out your own platelet-rich plasma. It is applied after a microneedling facial (Morpheus8) for optimal results. The application of the microneedling creates tiny injuries to your facial tissue. This is vital because the natural decrease of collagen and elastin directly equates to the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and loose skin. This damage stimulates necessary collagen and elastin to regenerate the damaged cells and repair your skin, scalp, hair, AND even rejuvenate female intimate health.

The FemShot is a minimally invasive PRP treatment to simply and effectively encourage your tissue growth, blood flow, and neural response.

How much does PRP Plasma Cost?

PRP Facial or Scalp treatment - $500 per syringe
FemShot - $1,500 per session


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